Peer Review for Essay 3

  1. Read the draft from beginning to end. As you read, proof read. Mark any problems you notice with grammar, spelling, punctuation, or MLA format.
  2. Write out your peer review on the reverse side of the essay’s final page. At the top of the page place the author’s name and your own name as shown:

Author: ____________________     Reviewer: ____________________

  1. Respond briefly to each of the following questions:
    1. TITLE & INTRODUCTION: Does the title pique your interest? Does the introduction set up the subject for evaluation?
    2. THESIS: Underline the thesis statement. Does it forecast the essay’s structure? Does it clearly present the all the evaluative criteria?
    3. STRUCTURE: Underline the first sentence of each paragraph. Do the topic sentences match the thesis? Does each paragraph stay focused on its topic?
    4. CRITERIA: How fitting and persuasive are the criteria for evaluation? How could the essay defend the criteria more clearly or persuasively?
    5. MATCH: How does the essay support and develop its match argument? What evidence helps readers see how each criterion matches or fails to match?
    6. SOURCES: Does the essay use both primary and secondary sources? Are the in-text citations and Works Cited page properly formatted?
  2. Make at least TWO specific suggestions for revision.